A beautiful poem

I got this poem as a forward email. Pretty worth to read :)

I saw you among oceans of bright white lights
on a cold damp night , one October
my phosphoryl chloride storm
I remember how the night stank
of choking fumes of hydrogen
a (un)natural reaction
that strangely left me gasping for more
a rather niffy start
Don't you think for a lifetime's obsession ??
so the night marked the beginning of many more nights
of masked dreams ,and soul stirring calls
But that was yesterday ,
Today I am an obsolete "Idea"
a wasted cause
an epitome of falsehood
pretenses and more
Slain in the shadows
for new bold ones
But what does it matter
As you say it's of no significance
now staring into the oblivion
I still wait for you in the night
But all there is left behind
is the pungent smell of of a phosphoryl chloride storm


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Love, Universe
Somethings can only be felt but not expressed in our words.
